Principles of Events Planning
This blog sheds light on Principles of Events Planning as we all know Event Management is the process of analyzing, planning, marketing, producing and evaluating an event. It is a different way of promoting a product, service or idea.
If an event is managed efficiently and effectively, it can be used as a very powerful promotional tool to launch or market a product or service. Events Management requires certain core values to be deployed to every element, process and decision to justify professional approach and achieve effective and efficient results.
Types of Events
- Corporate Events – Events like HR Summit etc.
- Education and Career Events – Events like education and career fair, workshop, seminar, debate, contest, competition etc.
- Private Events
- Social Events
‘What’ means what you are going to do in the event i.e. what will be the:
Event Name What will be the name of the event? For example: ‘BKK”.
Food and Beverage Menu It contains the list of food items and beverages you will serve during the event to guests and target audience
Guests Profile who will be your chief guest and other guests? Your guest list must include organizers, sponsors, partners, clients and specially media people. Use your imagination to create good titles to woo your guests. Like ‘Guest of honor’, star guest etc. Never give special treatment to one particular guest or guests’ group.
Type of Entry Decide how will be the entry. Entry will be by ticket, pass or invitation only.
Entry fees What will be the entry fees? If you are going to charge entry fees, then be prepared to pay entertainment tax. Your entry fees should be according to your target audience’s status. If you overcharge you won’t get any audience.
Promotional Campaign How you are going to promote your event, organizers, sponsors, partners and clients: – pre-event, at-event and post-event.
Program Menu It is the list of various activities that will occur as a part of the event.
Event Budget to determine your event budget finds out what will be the cost for producing and marketing the event.
When you are going to organize the event (i.e. date and time)? Keep following things in mind while selecting date and time for the event:
1) Select date and time according to target audience convenience and availability. For e.g.: don’t organize events during work days, examination days or festival times. The best time to organize events is during weekends like Saturday or Sunday.
2) Make sure that your event’s date and time, don’t clash with other event’s date and time specially bigger event’s date and time. For e.g.: it is not a good idea to organize your music concert on a day when there is Bon Jovi concert.
3) Keep climatic conditions into mind while selecting date and time for your event. It can be disastrous to organize event outdoor on a day when the weather is stormy or heavy rain is expected. Here you can take help of your own experience if you are familiar with the climatic conditions of the region where you intend to organize the event or you can take the help of the meteorological department for the weather forecast. Find out how the weather will be on the day of your event.
Where you are going to organize the event (i.e. venue)? Check out the venue selection tips.
Who will be your organizers, sponsors, partners, clients and target audience? How many target audience you are expecting to visit the event and why? You must have very good reason to this ‘Why’ as you will have to convince your prospective organizers and sponsors that why particular number of people will attend the event.
AW Events Pakistan is a creative event management company based in Lahore that caters different events ranging from formal business meetings, Corporate Seminars, Family Gala Events, Event Decoration, Wedding Events, Event Décor, Artists Management, Performers, Comperes/Hosts, Promotion and Marketing, Brand Activation, Mascots, Game Shows, Cultural Dance.
We are an all-rounder, tapping various verticals when it comes down to celebrating the grand way.